Learning Emotional Regulation (7-9 Years)

  • 04 Jun 2024 | 09:00 AM
  • 22, St Georges Road, 04182 Singapore
  • Available(4)

Mindful Mavericks: Learning Emotional Regulation

Age Group: 7-9 years

Duration and Format: 2 hours indoors and 2 hours outdoors 

Time: 09:00 AM to 1:00 PM

Fee: $390 per participant per session  | $1,490 per participant for 4 sessions

Nature Connection (4th June)

Participants will embark on a journey to develop empathy indoors and outdoors. Through indoor activities like storytelling and role-playing, followed by outdoor exploration and team-building games, they'll deepen their understanding of others and nature, fostering empathy and connection.

Inside-Out Connection (11th June)

Participants will hone their communication skills indoors and outdoors. Through interactive games and role-play indoors, followed by outdoor activities like team challenges and nature scavenger hunts, they'll learn to express themselves effectively and build connections in various environments.

Screen Time Safari  (18th June)

Participants will explore healthy screen time habits indoors and outdoors. Through interactive discussions and activities indoors, followed by outdoor adventures like nature walks and outdoor games, they'll learn to balance screen time with outdoor play for overall well-being.

Building Bonds (25th June)

will cultivate positive relationships indoors and outdoors. Through indoor activities promoting teamwork and empathy, followed by outdoor adventures like cooperative games and nature exploration, they'll learn to foster meaningful connections and build strong friendships.

Valid Until
06 Apr 2024
Valid Until
30 Jun 2024

2 Kallang Ave, CT Hub 04-04, 
Singapore 339407
Email: admin@olivebranch.com.sg
Mobile: +65 84359724

2 Kallang Ave, CT Hub 04-04, Singapore 339407

Olive Branch Psychology2 Kallang Ave, CT Hub #04-04Singapore 339407

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