Screen and assess a wider range of impairments of executive functioning and attention

As an update to the widely used Brown ADD Scales™, the Brown EF/A Scales goes beyond other measures to screen and assess a wider range of impairments of executive functioning and attention, including ADHD.

Age range: 3 years and older


  • Addresses situational variability: scales analyse a client’s behaviour using multiple perspectives (i.e., examinee's self-perspective, teacher's perspective, and parents' perspective).
  • Items are more specific and contextual: scales include items that are more specific and ask about difficulties in a specific context (e.g., difficulty remembering what has been read).
  • Directly and more accurately reports symptoms: items focus on the severity of specific behaviours as opposed to frequency.
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We are Open 7 days of the week from 09:00 AM to 10:00 PM

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Olive Branch Psychology
2 Kallang Ave, CT Hub #04-04
Singapore 339407

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